Kal K. Korff
Prometheus Books
New York
Pp 440, $ 25.95
1975- The year eventually appeared in the flying saucer (UFO) folklore as the time line of coming of an extraterrestrial prophet .Though no messiahs descended on earth from the abyss of heaven, an ill-educated farmer from a remote hamlet of Switzerland, Eduard Billy Meier became a celebrity overnight. He claimed that visitors from a planet of the constellation Pleiades ( karthika) landed on his estate and entrusted him with a new mission. In essence, a rescue operation bearing a ray of hope for the environmentally-degraded green planet earth. A large number of people who were already bothered in the coming ecocide were at least mentally- receptive towards anything that could provide a cosmic solace. So the dramatic declaration of Meier that he has been chosen as the Messenger who should lead the mankind to a new millennium captured the weird imagination of many westerners.
According to Meier’s version, his first alleged extraterrestrial contact occurred in 1942 at the age of five with an elderly extraterrestrial humanoid named Sfath. Wikipeadia, the most referred electronic encyclopedia records: “Contacts with Sfath allegedly lasted until 1953. From 1953 to 1964 Meier's alleged contacts continued with an extraterrestrial human woman named Asket. Meier claims that after an eleven year break, contacts resumed again (beginning on January 28, 1975) with an extraterrestrial human woman named Semjase the granddaughter of Sfath.”
Meier’s claim seems astonishing. He was instructed by the alien visitors to transcribe the conversations between them which have been later published in the German language. This interplanetary gospel is known as Contact Notes . Currently there are 9 volumes of the Contact Notes (titled Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte) published. Some selected portions were translated into English; a four-volume Message from the Pleiades by Meier spokesman Wendelle Stevens.
These stunning revelations, though accepted by many at face value turned into a nightmare by the investigations of Kal Korff. The book ‘Spaceship of the Pleades’ narrates Korff's investigations in detail. Like many others , Korff also swallowed all these stories. For more than two decades he had been investigating various claims brought forward by different witnesses regarding the sighting of UFOs. In 1991,he arrived at Semjacy Silver Star Center where the so-called the extraterrestrial objects were exhibited. The unique collection consists of stones, metals, photographs and many other things claimed to have been brought from Pleades.
How did Meier produce the photographs of the alien spaceships? Kal Korff, the Sherlock Holmes of flying saucer world began running after this enigma till he gets an opening. Nearly one third of the book (pp 109-271 ) deals with the detailed examination of the photographs which were subjected to digital analysis , thus conducive to detect any conceivable manipulation and fakeness. Usually very often people forget the fact that photographic adulteration is comparatively easy to the extent that applying modern technics, a totally fraudulent motion picture can be devised instantly. Korff took all these into consideration when he x-rayed the Billy Meier photos which ultimately exposed the deception practiced and resulted in the formation of a documentary film broadcast by the Fox channel in their popular serial ‘Encounters’.
Investigation by the help of computer enhancement is better possible with the negatives than the photographs, but they were not available. Meier explained away the non-existence of the negatives saying that it got lost in the postal department, some were taken by the Crime Investigation Department and still others were given to the extraterrestrials as they return to the home planet. Amazingly, all negatives seem irretrievably lost. Very convenient indeed!.
Reputed investigating agencies, claimed Billy Meier , had checked the photographs thoroughly and had confirmed them to be genuine. Wendelle Stevens, the ring leader of Meier, asserted that the De Anza Systems of California had carried out detailed investigation on the two volumes of the ‘Journal of Photographs of the Pleiades’. In spite of all those tall claims, Korff decided to go ahead for the verification. He contacted with Mr.Wayne Heppler , the manager of De Anza Systems who informed that no such investigations were taken place at anytime by the company(pp 111-121 ). A number of such mythical claims turned out to be pure white lies.
Michael Taylor, another investigator of Meier story could not escape from similar conclusion: “The Meier photograph of the beautiful Pleiadian alien, Semjase, turned out to be a photocopy of a model from a Sears Catalog. Another one of Meier's photographs, where he allegedly traveled into the future aboard a Pleiadian Beamship to photograph the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake in San Francisco showing the toppled Trans-America building, turned out to be a realistic looking painting from a geology magazine article about earthquakes. On top of these damning examples, every single one of Billy Meier's photographs of Pleiadian ships have been shown to be of third, fourth and even fifth generation(photographs of photographs). This means that he likely airbrushed suspension wires and other signs of fraud. There is not one example of an original, first generation Billy Meier photograph. On top of that, it has been shown that the reflections on some of the Pleiadian ships are not consistent with the position of the sun, indicating possible superimposition techniques. To top it off, a reporter found a bunch of miniature models exactly matching many of the Pleiadian ships shown in his photos. His ex-wife has come out to denounce him as a fraud as well. The evidence is overwhelming that whole Billy Meier story is unquestionably, absolutely, completely and totally 100% BOGUS. Case Closed!”
Initially, the Billy Meier case was considered irrefutable by many leading UFO experts but changed the whole scenario after the subtle probing of Korff. Walter Andrus, the director of MUFON, the biggest UFO investigation center in the world who attested the results and observed: “ Karl Korff must be congratulated for his determination and persistence in seeking the truth. His outstanding investigation is an exciting and yet intriguing expose of what opportunists has caused the most important U.F.O. case in history.” Jerome Clark, the Vice President of Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies stated that this book was the definite expose of the most ambitious hoax in UFO history.
According to Meier’s version, his first alleged extraterrestrial contact occurred in 1942 at the age of five with an elderly extraterrestrial humanoid named Sfath. Wikipeadia, the most referred electronic encyclopedia records: “Contacts with Sfath allegedly lasted until 1953. From 1953 to 1964 Meier's alleged contacts continued with an extraterrestrial human woman named Asket. Meier claims that after an eleven year break, contacts resumed again (beginning on January 28, 1975) with an extraterrestrial human woman named Semjase the granddaughter of Sfath.”
Meier’s claim seems astonishing. He was instructed by the alien visitors to transcribe the conversations between them which have been later published in the German language. This interplanetary gospel is known as Contact Notes . Currently there are 9 volumes of the Contact Notes (titled Plejadisch-Plejarische Kontaktberichte) published. Some selected portions were translated into English; a four-volume Message from the Pleiades by Meier spokesman Wendelle Stevens.
These stunning revelations, though accepted by many at face value turned into a nightmare by the investigations of Kal Korff. The book ‘Spaceship of the Pleades’ narrates Korff's investigations in detail. Like many others , Korff also swallowed all these stories. For more than two decades he had been investigating various claims brought forward by different witnesses regarding the sighting of UFOs. In 1991,he arrived at Semjacy Silver Star Center where the so-called the extraterrestrial objects were exhibited. The unique collection consists of stones, metals, photographs and many other things claimed to have been brought from Pleades.
How did Meier produce the photographs of the alien spaceships? Kal Korff, the Sherlock Holmes of flying saucer world began running after this enigma till he gets an opening. Nearly one third of the book (pp 109-271 ) deals with the detailed examination of the photographs which were subjected to digital analysis , thus conducive to detect any conceivable manipulation and fakeness. Usually very often people forget the fact that photographic adulteration is comparatively easy to the extent that applying modern technics, a totally fraudulent motion picture can be devised instantly. Korff took all these into consideration when he x-rayed the Billy Meier photos which ultimately exposed the deception practiced and resulted in the formation of a documentary film broadcast by the Fox channel in their popular serial ‘Encounters’.
Investigation by the help of computer enhancement is better possible with the negatives than the photographs, but they were not available. Meier explained away the non-existence of the negatives saying that it got lost in the postal department, some were taken by the Crime Investigation Department and still others were given to the extraterrestrials as they return to the home planet. Amazingly, all negatives seem irretrievably lost. Very convenient indeed!.
Reputed investigating agencies, claimed Billy Meier , had checked the photographs thoroughly and had confirmed them to be genuine. Wendelle Stevens, the ring leader of Meier, asserted that the De Anza Systems of California had carried out detailed investigation on the two volumes of the ‘Journal of Photographs of the Pleiades’. In spite of all those tall claims, Korff decided to go ahead for the verification. He contacted with Mr.Wayne Heppler , the manager of De Anza Systems who informed that no such investigations were taken place at anytime by the company(pp 111-121 ). A number of such mythical claims turned out to be pure white lies.
Michael Taylor, another investigator of Meier story could not escape from similar conclusion: “The Meier photograph of the beautiful Pleiadian alien, Semjase, turned out to be a photocopy of a model from a Sears Catalog. Another one of Meier's photographs, where he allegedly traveled into the future aboard a Pleiadian Beamship to photograph the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake in San Francisco showing the toppled Trans-America building, turned out to be a realistic looking painting from a geology magazine article about earthquakes. On top of these damning examples, every single one of Billy Meier's photographs of Pleiadian ships have been shown to be of third, fourth and even fifth generation(photographs of photographs). This means that he likely airbrushed suspension wires and other signs of fraud. There is not one example of an original, first generation Billy Meier photograph. On top of that, it has been shown that the reflections on some of the Pleiadian ships are not consistent with the position of the sun, indicating possible superimposition techniques. To top it off, a reporter found a bunch of miniature models exactly matching many of the Pleiadian ships shown in his photos. His ex-wife has come out to denounce him as a fraud as well. The evidence is overwhelming that whole Billy Meier story is unquestionably, absolutely, completely and totally 100% BOGUS. Case Closed!”
Initially, the Billy Meier case was considered irrefutable by many leading UFO experts but changed the whole scenario after the subtle probing of Korff. Walter Andrus, the director of MUFON, the biggest UFO investigation center in the world who attested the results and observed: “ Karl Korff must be congratulated for his determination and persistence in seeking the truth. His outstanding investigation is an exciting and yet intriguing expose of what opportunists has caused the most important U.F.O. case in history.” Jerome Clark, the Vice President of Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies stated that this book was the definite expose of the most ambitious hoax in UFO history.
Reviewed by
N.M Hussain